Who Are We?

Originating from the scripture found in Matthew 5:13-16 “Salt of the Earth, Light to the World”. We are based in Alaska and we are a light that cannot be hidden, which is where we derive the name Salt in Alaska. A decisive term for validation of who we are in God. Being Salt to a world during such trying times. We stand on the fact that what is given to us by the Father, Son and Holy Spirit cannot be taken away, because it comes directly from the King of Kings, the unseen, and that which isn't of this world. 

We uphold a set of principles and beliefs in life. We stand up for what we believe in. We are passionate in our pursuit of faith and spreading the gospel. To set an example in the next rising generations that our foundations are built on God. It is our mission to break down barriers, overcome obstacles, and be the next generation of leaders in society. Representing what it means to stand for God. Our mission is to support fellow Believers, Brothers and Sisters in their missions to spread the Gospel to all four corners of the world.